Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Message from Jerry

Hi Everyone,

See Jerry's note below which was sent to your .edu e-mail address on 12/12. Jerry was very kind to eliminate the book cover project, so Gary no need to struggle any longer. I know some of you may not have a chance to log on to your e-mail.

I'm sending this from jnevins.com because I realized that the Albertus email system is messed up. The programmer is out today but apparently when you send email to a whole class from a "My Albertus" login and the faculty class roster, when you hit return instead of getting a carriage return for the next line, the email is sent!

Anyway, I was writing to say that because everyone did such a good job with the biography posts that I will make the CD project the last project due. In other words, no book cover. I was very pleased with the performance of this group this mod. There is a fairly steep learning curve with Photoshop and you all rose to the occasion admirably!

Do submit any final work by midnight, Wed., Dec 14th. That is the official last day of class... the registrar will be looking for the grades by the next day.

email me with and questions/ concerns...

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